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Become a Member, Help a Cause

Updated: Apr 4, 2019

Want to help a cause while we help you become the best version of yourself? You don't need to break out the check book, your contribution will be instantly applied!

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Now if you become a member and join one of our health coaching programs, 5% of the proceeds will go to the non profit organization, People Against Violence.

Click here for the direct link to book a complimentary session before you decide on a program.

Where Proceeds Will Go

People Against Violence is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2014 to prevent violence and assist victims worldwide. The organization focuses on bringing awareness to domestic violence and providing resources to help victims around the clock. It offers 24-hour counseling through its help-line, live chat messaging, emergency accommodations, and a personal safety app called, uAlert that sends help your way.

For more information about its free services and efforts, please visit

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