Sometimes, our self-confidence can be shaken to the core when a barrage of curveballs are thrown our way. This can cause us to question our values and to see ourselves in a less important light. However, it is essential that we remain self-confident to believe we really can achieve anything. So, if your confidence levels have not been quite up to scratch lately, here are some helpful tips from The Struggling Vegan on how to rebuild your confidence levels once again.
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Start with your thoughts
Sometimes, we fall into the trappings of low self-esteem because we've allowed ourselves to believe that we're less than. This is why it is vital that we pay attention to our thought patterns to stop negative thoughts in their tracks to ensure we don't go down that path of criticizing ourselves unnecessarily.
Examine your dietary choices
The food you eat can have a direct impact on how you feel. Not only that, the food choices you make also affect the environment. If you’ve wanted to change your diet and become more confident about your choices, consider adopting a vegan diet. A diet that eschews animal products can have a host of positive effects on your body and mind.
Act calm no matter what
When our confidence levels have dropped a notch, we can feel more anxious and uncertain in situations we never used to. Therefore, if you are expecting new things, it is best to remain calm at all times to exude an air of confidence that is impenetrable.
Make a big deal out of your wins
One of the best ways to boost our self-confidence is to make a big deal out of the wins we have experienced along the way. Furthermore, this should serve as a reminder of the capabilities that lie within you, which should make you feel better about yourself instantly.
Be more sure of yourself
If you're one to shy away from voicing your opinion, then now might be the perfect time to start being more vocal about what you like and what you don't like. This way, you will gain even more respect for yourself and start to value yourself for the unique, one-of-a-kind individual you are.
Start a new career
If your current job is tearing you down instead of building you up, it may be time to consider a career change. For example, starting your own business could help boost your self-confidence in ways you never imagined because you'll have accomplished it on your own. Just don't forget to draw up a business plan to boost your chances of success. And be sure to make it detailed to make sure you don't drop the ball on anything concerning how your business is to be structured, what your marketing objectives are, how the essential startup funding is to be acquired, and what your financial projections should ideally be according to your short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.
Visit a mental health practitioner
If you have tried everything and still feel the same, then perhaps you should visit a mental health professional to determine if depression and anxiety meds are needed. They will, of course, consider your medical history before prescribing you any medication. A licensed health professional will also monitor you closely to see if the medication agrees with you and that there are no adverse side effects.
Exercise more
Exercise is often considered an underrated activity when you're experiencing the blues. However, it could be precisely the thing you need to clear your mind and start thinking positively again. Moreover, having a healthy body can make you feel better about your appearance, which is sure to boost your self-confidence.
After some time putting in work at the gym, it’s time to show off your progress online. Social media is a popular way to share your pictures. If you have a workout video that you’d like to share but you’re worried about the video’s size, you can use an online tool to convert a video to GIF format. This is a much easier way to share short videos, and you’ll be able to use it across many different social media platforms with ease.
Reassess the condition of your home
Perhaps it is the condition of your home that is making you feel frustrated and depressed. Furthermore, perhaps your family needs this drastic change too because their negative energy only adds to the problem. Then you should try to think of ways you can create a more inspiring environment so that your mental health flourishes and your confidence levels with it. For example, you could declutter unkempt spaces to make them look more appealing as well as let in as much fresh air and natural light as possible to brighten up dark and gloomy spaces to make your home look happier overall.
Surround yourself with like-minded people
Perhaps you feel that being in the company of people with a similar mindset as you will do the world of good in raising your spirits. Then why not seek out acquaintances, friends, or even people you've heard of and admire to help you in your quest to regain your self-confidence?
These are just a few ways to get back on the right track to knowing who you are and appreciating yourself more for what you can contribute to the world just by being yourself.
Article by Jennifer Scott